For girls

Girlguiding provides all girls with a phenomenal range of opportunities that will give them skills, knowledge and memories for life!


International Trips

Find out about the amazing international opportunities available for young members and volunteers here.

International Trips

Young Leader Development Programme

Take the next step on your leadership journey and grow your skills with the young leader development programme.

If you’re aged between 14-17 and volunteering in a unit. Nowyou can continue discovering and exploring your leadership skills with the young leader development programme; a personalised journey that empowers you to become the leader you want to be 

Young Member Opportunities

Opportunities for members aged 14-30. From training, events, competitions and lots more all in one place.

Share your interests and experiences

Want the opportunity to write for our publication The Guiding Vibe

Girlguides The Guiding Vibe


We know our young members and leaders love a good competition! Click here to find out about competitions currently running and how to submit your entries.

Girlguides Competitions

Need more information?
Want to speak to our team?

Office: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Shop: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm

Get in touch

northwesthq@girlguidingnwe.org.uk 01772 791 947 Guiding Road, Preston, PR2 5PD

Contact us