Get involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with Girlguiding! It doesn’t matter what your experience or background is or how much time you have! If you are passionate about showing girls that they can do anything, we would love to hear from you!

Girlguiding Volunteer

Volunteer with us

Why volunteer

By becoming a Girlguiding Volunteer, you’ll be helping girls build their confidence, have adventures and learn new skills. Plus, becoming a Girlguiding Volunteer is a great way of making new friends, learning new skills and trying new activities! Whatever it is you’re looking for, there’ll be something in it for you.

What is the process?

Being a Girlguiding Volunteer means that you can help create amazing opportunities for girls in your area. It also means that you can experience for yourself all that Girlguiding has to offer. You will make friends for life whilst supporting girls and young women to thrive in their community. Volunteering with Girlguiding North West England is for everyone – we welcome members from all backgrounds, ages, genders, faiths and abilities.

Girlguiding Volunteer Leader

Flexible Guiding

A Girlguiding Volunteer doesn’t always have lots of time and everyone has a different skill set. We know that not everyone can commit the same amount of time regularly and therefore we adopt a flexible approach to volunteering. No matter how much time you can give, there is an opportunity for you!

If you are only available occasionally or for single events, speak to your local unit about the options available. Every unit runs differently but your local unit would love to hear from you and find out what you can offer.

Girlguiding Volunteer and Girl

Empowering girls of all ages

Rainbows Logo
Before Shape After Shape

Rainbows (4 – 7)

Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space.

Find out more
Brownies Logo
Before Shape After Shape

Brownies (7 – 10)

Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for non-stop fun, learning and adventure.

Find out more
Guides Logo
Before Shape After Shape Girlguiding Guide

Guides (10-14)

Guides is a relaxed, welcoming space where you can have fun, learn and be yourself with good friends from 10 to 14 years old.

Find out more
Rangers Logo
Before Shape After Shape

Rangers (14-18)

Rangers is your space, where you get together with other girls from 14 to 18 to have fun, learn more, give back, hang out, just be you.

Find out more
Before Shape After Shape

Rainbows (4 – 7)

Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space.

Find out more
Before Shape After Shape

Brownies (7 – 10)

Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for non-stop fun, learning and adventure.

Find out more
Before Shape After Shape Girlguiding Guide

Guides (10-14)

Guides is a relaxed, welcoming space where you can have fun, learn and be yourself with good friends from 10 to 14 years old.

Find out more
Before Shape After Shape

Rangers (14-18)

Rangers is your space, where you get together with other girls from 14 to 18 to have fun, learn more, give back, hang out, just be you.

Find out more

Cloud Units

Our Cloud Units are for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, & Rangers who are unable to attend face-to-face groups. All meetings are held once a week and are run by volunteer leaders. Girls can participate in activities, crafts, challenges, and badges, just like face-to-face units!

To find out more about virtual units, pop us an email!

Girlguiding Guide

For parents/guardians

We inspire girls to be their best in a safe, girl-only environment. We encourage them to try new things, rise to a challenge and seek adventure.



Our uniforms encourage a sense of belonging and pride. Each section has its own easily identifiable style.

You can purchase uniforms from our online shop or at our shop in our region office in Preston.

There is a range of uniform options for girls and volunteers and it is very flexible.

Buying uniforms directly from us ensures that all profits go to Girlguiding. However, if you require support to be able to access uniforms, please speak with your unit leader.



We are committed to making Girlguiding as accessible as possible. We don’t want finances to prevent any girl from benefiting from all that Girlguiding has to offer so if this is something that you would like to discuss, please let your unit leader know and they will talk to you about options available.

Our membership fees (subs) cover the cost of venue hire, equipment, activities and running of Girlguiding in your local area. Subs are usually paid monthly or termly. There is usually an additional charge for trips and camps but we strive to ensure that these are affordable and excellent value for money.

Flexible volunteering

Flexible volunteering

Girlguiding North West England could not provide opportunities to girls across the region without the dedication of volunteers. We know that not everyone can commit the same amount of time regularly and therefore we adopt a flexible approach to volunteering. No matter how much time you can give, there is an opportunity for you!

If you are only available occasionally or for single events, speak to your local unit about the options available. Every unit runs differently but your local unit would love to hear from you and find out what you can offer.

Skills sharing

Skills sharing

You may have a specific skill, career or vocation that you could share with units in your division/district. This could be something that would support the running of a unit, for example, supporting with accounts or event planning, or it could be something that you would be willing to share as part of a unit meeting activity.


Our uniforms encourage a sense of belonging and pride. Each section has its own easily identifiable style.

You can purchase uniforms from our online shop or at our shop in our region office in Preston.

There is a range of uniform options for girls and volunteers and it is very flexible.

Buying uniforms directly from us ensures that all profits go to Girlguiding. However, if you require support to be able to access uniforms, please speak with your unit leader.


We are committed to making Girlguiding as accessible as possible. We don’t want finances to prevent any girl from benefiting from all that Girlguiding has to offer so if this is something that you would like to discuss, please let your unit leader know and they will talk to you about options available.

Our membership fees (subs) cover the cost of venue hire, equipment, activities and running of Girlguiding in your local area. Subs are usually paid monthly or termly. There is usually an additional charge for trips and camps but we strive to ensure that these are affordable and excellent value for money.

Flexible volunteering

Girlguiding North West England could not provide opportunities to girls across the region without the dedication of volunteers. We know that not everyone can commit the same amount of time regularly and therefore we adopt a flexible approach to volunteering. No matter how much time you can give, there is an opportunity for you!

If you are only available occasionally or for single events, speak to your local unit about the options available. Every unit runs differently but your local unit would love to hear from you and find out what you can offer.

Skills sharing

You may have a specific skill, career or vocation that you could share with units in your division/district. This could be something that would support the running of a unit, for example, supporting with accounts or event planning, or it could be something that you would be willing to share as part of a unit meeting activity.

Volunteer Stories

There is a volunteering opportunity for everyone! Find out about some of our volunteers and why they are involved in Girlguiding.

Gillian County Treasurer


County Treasurer

Read more


Brownie and Guide Young Leader

Read more


Rainbow & Brownie Leader, Guide Unit Helper & Division Commissioner

Read more

Support us

Girlguiding North West England is a charity that has a fully structured programme of activities for girls and women aged 4-18.  We rely on membership subscriptions, grants, fundraising and donations to carry out projects and activities that benefit all girls. Without this funding, we would not be able to carry out the work that we do to support girls and women in the North West of England.

We want guiding to be as accessible as possible and now, more than ever, we are working to ensure that the opportunities available to girls and volunteers are as affordable as possible.

To find out more about supporting Girlguiding, contact us today!

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All our partnerships differ and are shaped by the organisation that we are working with, along with what our Girlguiding members want. Usually, a partnership supports an event or a challenge pack, some examples of recent and current partnerships include:

We have a number of other exciting partnerships being developed and we’ll let you know about these as soon as we can!

Institution of Civil Engineers

In 2025, we launched a new challenge pack in partnership with the Institution of Civil Engineers called the ‘Civil Engineering Challenge’ for our members in Guides & Rangers. The Institution of Civil Engineers is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of civil engineers. Through the challenge pack, participants will gain valuable insights into the exciting world of civil engineering and discover what a career in this field truly entails.


Historic England & Youth United Foundation

We worked with Historic England in 2024 as part of the Youth United Foundation’s Heritage Youth Partnership project – during our time working together we developed ‘Legacy Explorers’, a challenge pack exploring Girlguiding’s heritage in a local and national context.


In 2024 we launched a challenge pack and badge with SEA LIFE Blackpool called ‘Sea Savers’ all about marine conservation. To encourage our members to find out what is in our oceans and plant life, eco systems and food chains and how we can look after our oceans. This pack is informative, creative and full of fun for all sections to take part in.



We have been working with the RSPB since 2022; we have created two amazing challenge packs for members to complete, ‘Together in Nature’ and ‘Brilliant Birds’., which you can find in leader resources. We have exciting opportunities for our young members and trainings for our adult members with the RSPB.

BAE Systems Logo

BAE Systems

We worked with BAE from 2016 – 2022, during this time we’ve created a whole suite of challenge packs ‘Clever Cogs’ around engineering and specifically highlighting women in engineering.

British Army Logo

The British Army

We worked with The British Army to deliver an amazing event ‘Girls Get Muddy’ to celebrate International Day of the Girl in 2023.

Electricity North West Logo

Electricity North West

We established our partnership with ENW in 2021, together we developed an electrifying challenge pack all about electricity.

To find out more about partnership opportunities please contact us.

Get in touch


We provide girls and young women with a safe space to have exceptional experiences and build lifelong friendships, but we can’t do that without your help. There are several ways that you can support us.

Don’t forget

to share photos of your fundraising with us at northwesthq@girlguidingnwe.

Need more information?
Want to speak to our team?

Office: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Shop: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm

Get in touch 01772 791 947 Guiding Road, Preston, PR2 5PD

Contact us