About us
Girlguiding North West England provides girls with opportunities to explore, have fun and know that they belong. We help all girls know that they can do anything.
Through fun, friendship, challenge, and adventure we empower girls to find their voice, inspiring them to discover the best in themselves and to make a positive difference in their community.

Our charity
Founded in 1971, Girlguiding North West England works hard to ensure all girls and volunteers have the opportunity to learn, explore and make friends. We are dedicated to removing any barriers to those wanting to join and rely on volunteers to create these opportunities for our young members.
We are constantly evolving to meet the needs of girls and we work with them to tackle issues that matter to them the most. We give girls the opportunity to make a difference, speak out and do things that they will remember forever.
We empower girls to become leaders themselves and make their voices heard on the issues that affect them. Plus, our international projects take girls all over the world
An announcement about Girlguiding in British Overseas Territories
Girlguiding North West England are pleased to share the news that Girlguiding activities in British Overseas Territories will continue under our North West England region structure from 1 September 2024. Between now and 1 September, we will be working with the Overseas Territories and Girlguiding to ensure that the transition for those members is smooth and supportive.
We are delighted that Girlguiding North West England will be part of Overseas Territories’ future journey. We can’t wait to start the transition and make new friends whilst welcoming everyone into the region. We’ll be working together to develop strong relationships ensuring that the transition is as smooth as possible.
The collaboration with the Overseas Territories will not impact our current North West region members, we can confirm that funding to support the Overseas Territory work has been assured for a number of years and those funds will be designated for the purpose of supporting this area of work. Our intention is to generate income to specifically to support Overseas Territories going forward. This will ensure that any regional funds will continue to support and deliver activity to the 17 fantastic counties that currently make up our region.
Rona Rommel (region commissioner for Girlguiding North West England) said “we are delighted that we have been able to make this work, as a region we see working with the Overseas Territories as a huge opportunity to work together and celebrate Girlguiding far and wide, with lots of wonderful opportunities for all our members. We can’t wait to get started!”
If you have any questions regarding this announcement, then please contact kelly.hunter@girlguidingnwe.org.uk
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How Girlguiding is reducing our impact on the environment

Join our team
Join the Region Team and support Girlguiding North West England to continue to provide unique and amazing opportunities for thousands of girls across the North West!
Contact us to find out more about the vacancies available.

Need more information?
Want to speak to our team?
Office: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Shop: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm
Get in touch
northwesthq@girlguidingnwe.org.uk 01772 791 947 Guiding Road, Preston, PR2 5PD
Contact us