5 in 2025!

5 in 2025!
Residential experiences are where lifelong guiding memories are made. Can you remember your first guide camp or brownie pack holiday?
During 2025, we want to increase the number of Residential licence holders across counties and sections.
Therefore, the Girl Experience Team are setting you a challenge!
Throughout the year, we want each county to increase the number of leaders with a Going Away With (GAW) qualification. Our challenge to all counties is that by the end of 2025, each county will have completed a minimum target of 5 new completed GAW qualifications (this can be either option 1 – modules 1 to 4, or option 2 – modules 1 to 7, depending on which section leaders are working with)
Of course, we would encourage you to exceed this target, but if all counties engage with this challenge this will mean that from 18 Counties achieving the challenge we will have 90 new residential opportunities and GAW qualifications across the Region. Wouldn’t this figure simply be awesome?
How will it work?
At the end of 2024, the Region Girl Experience Team will baseline the number of licence holders in each county. During each quarter in 2025 we will publish the number of new GAW licence completed in the region on our GAWometer on the region website. At the same time, we will also be updating how many licenses have been achieved in each county, which will create healthy competition and a ranking.
The Rules
- Where possible we would encourage as many new qualifications across different sections and units.
- Ideally we would like the GAW qualifications to be gained in different units across counties.
- Anyone wishing to sign up for the Region Training Event (or a comparable one in County) in Feb 2024 must have completed all elements of the Leadership development programme for their nominated section and be fully accredited as a leader.
- To qualify in the count, leaders will need to work with a mentor towards the completion of GAW and attend an agreed training. All elements must be satisfied and the qualification will need to be recorded on GO.

To be announced

Need more information?
Want to speak to our team?
Office: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Shop: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm
Get in touch
northwesthq@girlguidingnwe.org.uk 01772 791 947 Guiding Road, Preston, PR2 5PD
Contact us